Life in a metro

Sometimes we don't give chance to our emotions to come out we let them stay, we hold grudges, we hold sorry , we hold thankyou and many more things .
Because everyone knows about physical problems like I am not well, I have liver infection or I have fractured my leg or arm 
But when it comes to mental well being everyone around us simply don't get it,
"I think I am having an anxiety" oo dude this anxiety , depression doesn't exists it's just mind game you just go for a walk everday, do exercise and it will be all right !
Do  we say these things to a person who is having fever ?

This is a scene from the movie life in a metro
Here the lady is holding her emotions in a hope that everything will be all right but protagonist asks her to scream and let them out
Both were screaming and while screaming she broke down and and she let them out and set her free as if nothing was holding her back as if all her problems all her anxiety goes away in one go.

So instead of holding things ,trying to be ok when you are not just  cry ,talk to your friends about it and seek help "professional help" and set those grudges, sorrows and everything free And take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again.

Because you are loved you are important and you matters .


  1. Oh to be on the top of a building and scream your heart out!!!!!!

    1. You can even scream in your own room also we are open to interpretations, but first confirm that you are alone in there..

  2. Dude there a magic in your thoughts just keep writing......


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